When I was there at Easter this year the a DOC sign with the Following text had appeared:

“Twin Streams
In recent years the Twin Streams area of Waiotapu has seen a marked increase in reputation both nationally and internationally. The increase in reputation has directly resulted in an increase in visitors and there impacts. This has had a dramatic effect on the environment. The biggest problems are erosion, destruction of flora, fire risk and litter.
To help manage these impacts, the Department of Conservation is planning on creating a series of boardwalks and platforms and to replant the stream bank during the coming year.
We need your help to preserve this area but also enable people to visit this wonderful place. Please stay on the tracks, don’t break any vegetation and please don’t extract mud.
We are sorry for the inconvienience this may cause.
For more information pleasecontact the Department of Conservation, bop@doc.govt.nz”

It is officially no longer a secret spot anymore.
While the area has noticeably deteriorated. I hope they don’t do anything crazy like banning bathing.
