@Mike. Good Afternoon Michael, I would like to apologise for your unpleasant visit. The Mount Hot Pools are ultimately owned by the city and therefore the ratepayers. To thank locals for their support, we offer local residents a discounted rate, however some form of local ID is required whether it be a letter with your address, Library card or TECT card. We have over 200,000 visitors per year and unfortunately we cannot take everyone’s word as we often have a number of non residents attempting to get the discounted rate. We don’t believe this is “penalising” locals but a fair and simple way to determine who is a resident. Once we have viewed one form of ID we can issue you with one of our Hot pools local ID cards. On your next visit, if you would also like to bring in your local ID and your receipt from this weekends swim, we will be more than happy to refund the difference, as we do this with all locals who bring receipts back with proof of residency. In regards to the lifeguard referring you to the shower to flush your eyes out. We do have an eye wash that we use for chemical spills however stinging eyes from the salt does occur often and it is common practice for the staff to recommend customers rinse them under the tap or shower. Thank You for your feedback and we hope to see you back soon. Regards Kent (Centre Manager)
