We are in our early 60s and used to go there as kids as we both lived in Kawerau in the 1950s. We have fantastic memories and one was always ensured of a good nights sleep after visiting the soda springs.In 1969 when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon we were in the pool with the moon shining and had a black and white portable TV on a polystyrene raft in the pool and were watching the moon landing on TV. We also remember the little ice cream shop there. It was sad to see the deterioration of the pool over the years however Chiefy and Jo and the Trust are to be commended with the upgrade and care they now take in maintaining the pool and the charges are great, only $3 each if you are over 60!! We take lots of friends and family to the pools and they all love the experience. Jos brother John Roberts also loves the visits to the hotpools.
Thank you everybody
